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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is a response to Section 54(1), Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and relates to actions and activities for the financial year ending 31 January 2023.    

Re-Vamp Home Improvements Limited ('the Company', 'we', 'us' or 'our') is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking violations in its own operations, its supply chain, and its products. We have zero-tolerance towards slavery and require our supply chain to comply with our values. 

Organisational Structure

Re-Vamp Home Improvements Limited has business operations in the United Kingdom. We operate in the home building, home renovations and interior design sector. The nature of our supply chains is as follows: we work with a number of suppliers who provide us with goods and materials for building and renovating homes, and in some cases these suppliers may also carry out works and installations for us. We also work with sub-contractors for their services to support our build and renovation projects such as plumbers, electricians, decorators, roofers, tilers, carpenters, to name just a few.    

For more information about the Company, please visit our website:

Due Diligence

As part of our efforts to monitor and reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains, we vet all suppliers who provide us with goods or services. Our due diligence procedures aim to:

Risk and compliance

The Company has evaluated the nature and extent of its exposure to the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in its UK supply chain by reviewing on a regular basis all our supply chain.  We do not consider that we operate in a high-risk environment.

We do not tolerate slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains. Where there is evidence of failure to comply with our expectations by any of our suppliers, we will require that supplier to remedy the non-compliance, or we may otherwise terminate our supply arrangements with them.